Tony’s Tidbits

Providing you with the latest happenings at St Anthony’s

Monday, April 29 - Valued Volunteers

April is National Volunteer Month. As the month draws to a close, it seems appropriate that we acknowledge and thank all of our volunteers. We are so grateful for the gifts freely shared by our hosts, reflection writers, retreat presenters, groundskeepers, all those who tend to our flower gardens and veggie garden, housekeepers, kitchen help, those who help in the office and bookstore, prepare mailings, serve on the Board of Directors and committees, and those who help us with maintenance and repair. We love each and every one of you and could not do what we do without you. Deo Gratias!

Thursday, April 25 - New Friend

We often remind folks that we welcome all to St. Anthony's. Being Franciscan, that welcome extends to all of God's creatures. Earlier this week, this river otter took us up on our hospitality and enjoyed a leisurely swim in our pond. He seemed as surprised to attract the attention of the photographer as the photographer was surprised to see him.

Monday, April 22 - Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day, JustBob and a crew of twelve volunteers planted trees at the Center on Saturday. JustBob was able to use the mild winter to clean up a large area of the woods east of the Solanus Center in preparation for this reforestation project. Many thanks to JustBob for heading up the project, to Jerome, Steven, Kathy, Jeanne, Kevin, Erica, Dean L., Jackie F, Mary, Reni, Ryan and Lois for all their work getting the trees planted, to Marlene and her son, Dean, for getting lunch ready for the crew, and to Jackie K. for the photos. More photos can be found on our FaceBook page,

Throwback Thursday, April 11 - Ice Floes

What a difference a hundred years makes! This photo dated April 10, 1924 shows the massive mountains of ice floes on the Rib River. This year the Rib River might not have produced enough ice cubes to cool a glass of lemonade. Aside from a late season storm on Palm Sunday, this winter has been unseasonably warm and dry. It did allow JustBob to get a lot of work done in the woods, though, since he didn't have to plow snow three times a week.

Sunday, March 31 - Blessed Easter!

"He said to them, 'Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Behold the place where they laid him.'" (Mark 16:6) The good news - death does not have the final word. Jesus has risen. He has risen indeed! Alleluia! A blessed Easter to all!

Monday, March 25 - Holy Week

This week is the most solemn week of the year for Christians. So our team members may prepare to enter into the great feasts of the Triduum, the Center will be closed Holy Thursday, March 28, through Easter Sunday, March 31. We will reopen with regular hours on Easter Monday, April 1. No foolin'!

Tuesday, March 19 - Welcome, Spring!

Today is the Spring Equinox. Daylight continues to grow, with minutes of light now outnumbering minutes of darkness. The warmer than normal winter has trees, bushes, and flowers all believing winter has long passed, but Mother Nature still seems to have a few surprises left with snow forecast for later this week.

Throwback Thursday, March 14 - Snow Foolin'

This photo from March 1922 could never be mistaken for March 2024. Aside from the number of friars frolicking in the mounds of snow, there's the mounds of snow themselves. In this winter that wasn't of 2024, we haven't had any snow on the ground for weeks. In fact, temperatures have been so mild we have more than a few flower shoots poking their heads out of the ground, and could have blooms in time for the first day of Spring next week.

Wednesday, February 14 - Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Many Christians observe Lent as a season of penance, prayer and preparation for Easter. Catholics and other Christians often choose to give up specific pleasures, such as sweets, alcohol, or social media, during Lent as a way to foster simplicity and self-control. Many use their cravings or desires for these items as a reminder to pray and to refocus on spiritual matters. Here at St. Anthony's, we have meatless meals on Fridays and reduce or eliminate our dessert offerings during Lent so as to not unnecessarily tempt retreatants. We also welcome any who wish to make a retreat a part of their Lenten practice.

Sunday, February 11 - Lourdes

On February 11, 1858. in Lourdes, France, 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous, a miller's daughter, first had visions of the Virgin Mary. The visions were authenticated by Pope Pius IX in 1862, initiating the devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes. The grotto on the grounds of St. Anthony's depicts these visions of Mary at Lourdes. Construction of our grotto was begun by Frank Rajek and his son on July 29, 1929. The statues of Mary and Bernadette are made of zinc. They were donated by Fr. Lawrence Merten's mother in 1921. The grotto was blessed on August 15, 1929, the tenth anniversary of the opening of St. Anthony's, although construction was not completed until late September.

Friday, February 2 - Ground Hog Day

Forecast here for Friday is partly cloudy, so our resident woodchuck is not likely to see his shadow today. If the folklore is right, it will be an early spring. Then again, the weather the past couple of days has been very springlike already with temperatures in the 40's. The forecast for the next couple of weeks is more of the same. Only time will tell if it really is an early spring or just a lull in winter, but I'm sure that the woodchuck, squirrels and other critters will enjoy the spring-like weather while it lasts.

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