Reflections & House Chronicles

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House Chronicles

Volunteer Week 2024

Our annual gathering of volunteers kicked off last Thursday. Actually, this year we had some pre-kickoff help from the NCIS crew. Neighborhood Catholics in Service, a group of 22 middle-school aged youth and their 10 adult and high school-aged chaperons, came last Tuesday. NCIS has been coming to...

Earth Day

Earth Day, which takes place annually on April 22, has a dual purpose. The first is to educate and bring awareness to everyone about the damage humans are causing to our common home. The second is to promote action to, at a minimum, decrease the ongoing damage, and hopefully also do something to...

It’s Nice to Be Appreciated

Last week, the Board of Directors invited all of the team members - staff and residents - to an appreciation lunch. It was their way of tangibly expressing their gratitude for the efforts the team makes week in and week out to keep St. Anthony’s going.  The team was not allowed to do anything -...

A Most Generous Gift

St. Anthony's is humbly honored to announce that we have been selected as one of the beneficiaries of the Thomas and Marilyn Kraemer Trust. Tom and Marilyn were long-time area residents, owning and operating several funeral homes in Marathon County, including one here in Marathon. Their gift will...

Brother, It’s Cold Outside

Those words have certainly crossed our minds this week, and they might have echoed through the halls of St. Anthony’s seventy years ago, based on these two Chronicle entries from mid-January 1954: Cold Weather The 12th of January was the first day this winter that the reading on the thermometer...

Mission: Impossible

Those two words might describe how it feels to be our Center Director. Yet, like every episode of the TV show, Jackie Kellner somehow manages to get the mission accomplished. Although unlike the TV show, it rarely happens in under an hour. In fact, it often takes much more than her 40 hour work...

Holy Encounters

During Advent and the Christmas season, we hear many Scripture stories about holy encounters. We hear of an angel’s visit to Mary, Mary’s visit with Elizabeth, the shepherds and the wise men visiting the infant, the Holy Family meeting Simeon and Anna in the temple, and finally an angel’s visit to...

Christmas Break

‘Twas the week of Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. . . . Well, to be honest, there weren’t any two-legged creatures around the house for a couple of days to confirm that no four-legged creatures, or winged creatures for that matter, were stirring....

Awe and Wonder

Each year when we deck our halls for Christmas, we set up many, many nativity scenes. One goes under the tree, many more go on the window ledges in the front hall, others are scattered throughout the building, and of course this one goes outside. We have so many that some years, we don’t even get...


In last week’s Chronicle, I wrote about the many reasons people come to St. Anthony’s. One of the reasons was to build a deeper relationship with others, or in other words, build community. This past Saturday was a great opportunity for community building at the annual Holly Days celebration...


How Do You Go About Balancing Your Life?

We are immersed in a culture that values how many things we can accomplish. In our careers we are urged to accomplish as many projects as we can. In our private lives we try to accommodate the needs of family. Children need to be at practice for various sporting events and then at the events...


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain appeared in 1885. This book together with its companion featuring Tom Sawyer, became standard classroom fare for generations of students. These texts continue to be referenced today though often as abridgments, not shortened in Reader’s Digest...

Drop the Rock

A reflection on what weighs us down emotionally and spiritually One of the foundational strategies for dropping the rock is self-reflection. Self-reflection involves taking a candid look at one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This introspective process enables individuals to identify patterns...

Independence Day

Yesterday the country celebrated Independence Day. Around this time of year, we hear a lot about independence, freedom, liberty, civil rights, human rights and we sing of “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Independence, freedom, can have several meanings, depending on a person’s...

Goodbye, and . . .

Many of you reading this have downsized your living quarters for one reason or another. Maybe it was to cut expenses, to live a simpler life, to have more free time, or the need and desire for fewer house responsibilities and worries as you grow older. No doubt you can add additional reasons to...

The Breath of God

A small, wooden flute,an empty, hollow reed,rests in her silent hand. it awaits the breathof one who creates songthrough its open form. my often-empty liferests in the hand of God;like a hollowed flute,it yearns for the melodywhich only the Breath can give. Breath…what is breath? How do we...


Juneteenth (June 19th) became a federal holiday by law in June 2021 when President Joe Biden signed the “Juneteenth National Independence Day Act”. Juneteenth commemorates the end to chattel slavery in the United States which was announced in Galveston, Texas, two years after the Emancipation...


Tis the season of joyful ritual - graduation!. A season full of youthful energy celebrating a milestone achievement! Looking back at my own high school and college graduations, I remember how much excitement and determination my friends and I had for successful college and post college careers....

Angel, Second Class

Some people get clear callings. Some of us seem to spend our lives waiting for one. My life followed the latter category. But the calling I was looking for was about my plans, not God’s. It took a long time until I began to listen.  God’s blessing took the form of an illness, which left me...

Wondering and Pondering

Trinity --- Mystery --- that seemingly unexplainable happening in life and beyond.   I have childhood memories of my parents, parish priests, and summer classes with the School Sisters of Notre Dame trying to help me understand what/who God was all about. While the Baltimore Catechism provided...

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