While we hope that you will be able to join us for one of the weekend or day-long retreats described on the retreats and events page of this website, we realize that your spiritual needs are sometimes best served by a private retreat. You can schedule a private retreat at St. Anthony’s at any time of year and for any length of stay, from one night to one week or more. Please note that rooms are almost always available but specific room requests may not be able to be honored if we have a sponsored or hosted group staying with us.
To arrange a private retreat, please contact Sr Barb Knauf, at bknauf@sarcenter.com or 715-443-2236 ext 114. If you would like to gift a friend with a private retreat, you can purchase a gift certificate and encourage the recipient to contact Sr. Barb about scheduling.
During your private retreat, you may wish to meet with a Spiritual Director. A Spiritual Director is a companion who journeys with you on your spiritual path, listening, sharing, helping you formulate fruitful questions for contemplation, and discerning with you the workings of the Holy Spirit. For more information on Spiritual Direction, please see the pamphlet linked here. You are welcome to schedule sessions with one of these Spiritual Directors while you are on private retreat or any other Spiritual Director if you wish. You may also schedule time with any of these Spiritual Companions outside of St. Anthony’s.
We invite you to try one or more of the following types of prayer during your retreat:
- Praying with an icon – prayer guides and icons are available in the Chiara Room in the front hallway of the house.
- Walking the labyrinth – prayer guides are available in your room and on the shelves near the front office.
- Praying through artistic expression – materials and project ideas are available in the art room in the north corridor of the first floor of the house. Musicians are welcome to play the piano in the Hesse Lounge, in the Main Chapel, or in the Francis Chapel, as available.
- Praying with the Stations of the Cross – you can walk the Way of the Cross both indoors (in the cloister hallways) and outdoors (on the Via Dolorosa trail through the woods).
- Praying through contemplation of beauty – there is no shortage of beauty on St. Anthony’s 40 acres of wooded land; in the elegant, simple design and craftsmanship of our house; and in the joyful community shared by our staff, residents, volunteers, and guests!
- Maintaining silence. If you would like to maintain silence throughout the duration of your private retreat, let a staff member know. We will alert other guests and residents to your preference and will provide you with a badge which informs others that you are on a silent retreat.
- Liturgy of the Hours has been traditionally prayed at St. Anthony’s by members of St. Anthony’s community of staff and residents, both morning and evening prayer. If you are interested in praying in this manner during your stay, we welcome praying with you. Please feel free to speak with Adele, our retreat and programming coordinator for more details when you arrive.
While our house is equipped with WiFi, we encourage you to “unplug” for the duration of your private retreat. Likewise, we encourage you to turn off your cell phone or to leave it in your car while you are on retreat. St. Anthony’s is one of those rare places in a technology-driven world where you can step away from the technologies and expectations and pressures of daily life, stepping, instead, into a deeper appreciation of the powerful experience of simply being alive. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy simply being the “you” you were created to be! In case of emergency, a public phone and public computer are available at no charge for your use.
Once you’ve unplugged, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the following activities here at St. Anthony’s:
- Individual prayer (see suggestions above).
- Browsing our library collection.
- Perusing the photo albums, scrapbooks, and other historical documents housed in the Assisi Room.
- Walking our woods.
- Exercising at the Marathon Area Swim Association – guests of St. Anthony’s can access the open swim times for just $5.00 / day.
- Running / walking / biking on the local roads – talk to one of our staff members about safe running / walking / biking routes. Please also note that our corridors are well suited to walking laps indoors. Ten laps around the cloister hallways equal one mile.
- Enjoying a fire in the Fireplace Lounge indoors or at the firepit outdoors. Staff can assist you in building a fire.
- Creating an art project.
- Browsing the selection in our gift shop / book store.
The cost of meals varies. Because St. Anthony’s is both a retreat center and a home to our resident staff and volunteers, our fridge is generally well stocked with salad bar items as well as leftovers that are clearly labeled as to contents and expiration date. If you are comfortable helping yourself to the selections in the fridge, the cost of meals is $22.00 per day.
If your private retreat coincides with a scheduled retreat, you are welcome to partake of the buffet meals served. The costs are as follows:
- Breakfast = $13.00 per meal
- Lunch = $17.00 per meal
- Supper = $15.00 per meal
Please let us know if you are vegan or vegetarian or have any special medical dietary restrictions.
You are also welcome to bring and store your own food during your stay. Please note that Marathon does not have a grocery store, although you can purchase a few convenience items and occasionally fresh produce at one of the two gas stations in town. A variety of full-line grocery stores is available ten to fifteen miles away in Wausau. A variety of restaurants are also available in both Marathon and Wausau.
Rooms at St. Anthony’s are furnished simply, in the Franciscan tradition: a desk, a chair, a bed, a lamp. Some rooms include a sink and mirror, and some rooms – referred to as suites – include a full bathroom. Suites are limited and are assigned on a first come / first served basis. Suites may not be available during very busy times.
The cost of overnight accommodations is as follows:
- Standard room, 1 guest = $55.00 / night
- Standard room, 2 guests = $65.00 / night
- Suite, 1 guest = $75.00 / night
- Suite, 2 guests = $85.00/night
View photos of the bedrooms at St. Anthony’s below. The regular rooms have no bathroom attached and the suites have a bathroom attached.
Please contact Sr. Barb Knauf at bknauf@sarcenter.com or 715-443-2236 ext. 114 if you need additional information or would like to schedule a private retreat.
We hope to see you soon!