Reservation & Retreat Cost Info

Our planned retreats and events are held throughout the year. Each retreat provides applicable details, including cost if applicable, and how to register for that retreat. Most retreats and events offered can be registered by calling 715-443-2236, emailing, or signing up online using our online registration system you can access here.

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Sober Sisters

August 8 @ 6:00 pm August 10 @ 1:00 pm

Presented by: Ruth Hoenick

We are each a miracle!  We are a circle of women!

This retreat will venture into the stories of beloved women who helped in the formation of AA.  Participants will examine the pioneers like Sylvia K. &  Florence R., who fought for their own sobriety while also jostling for seats at the tables of AA.  They will explore the pioneers in themselves. Stories of those who have gone before us such as Marty M. and Betty F. will reveal the sacred chronicles of courageous women.  It will bring forward one’s own courage. Tales of walking through the 12 steps in recovery with long times and sponsors will demonstrate how victorious Sober Sisters can be in a powerful circle of women!

During this retreat, we will probe into the women’s stories in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, and Voices of Women in AA from the AA Grapevine.  Participants will experience presentations, small group discussion, and time for prayer and reflection.  There will be interactive activities throughout the weekend.

Ruth Hoenick is a Spiritual Companion who facilitates 12 step retreats throughout the United States. Ruth has been actively involved in the 12 step programs of both AA and Al-Anon in sponsorship and service work since 1986.  She appreciates the work of spirit in the exchange of recovery stories.  Ruth received her commission in Spiritual Guidance from the Siena Retreat Center in Racine, Wisconsin. She is certified through sdi (Spiritual Directors International) in Trauma & Wellness, Essential Seeing, and Bringing Art of Spiritual Companionship. Ruth is a wife, mother and grandmother. She is Chair Emeritus of the Board of Directors at the Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh, and current board member. She completed the Camino Ignaciano in Spain in 2022.  Ruth is a spiritual companion who brings the gifts of respectful listening and honest presence to individuals who desire courageous exploration of their sacred stories.

Check-In begins at 3:00 pm on Friday, followed by orientation at 5:45 and supper at 6:00. The retreat concludes after the noon meal on Sunday.

The investment for the weekend retreat is $240 and includes lodging in a regular room and six meals.

To register, call 715-443-2236, email, or click here.


St. Anthony Spirituality Center

300 E. Fourth St.
Marathon, Wisconsin 54448
View Venue Website

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