Our planned retreats and events are held throughout the year. Each retreat provides applicable details, including cost if applicable, and how to register for that retreat. Most retreats and events offered can be registered by calling 715-443-2236, emailing info@sarcenter.com, or signing up online using our online registration system you can access here. Reservation & Retreat Cost Info
Event & Retreat Programs
Is it time to step away from the day-to-day noise and busyness and feed your soul? Would you like to allow yourself time to be still and just be? This silent-directed retreat invites you to do just that! You will have a weekend in the peaceful sanctuary and grounds of St. Anthony’s to embrace silence, get to know yourself better, and deepen your relationship with the Divine.
Each retreatant will meet with one spiritual companion each day of the retreat. Your companion will listen to you with ears of the Heart and help you recognize the gentle voice of the Spirit within you. We also have resource binders available with suggestions to pray in a variety of ways including, but not limited to: Creation, Music, Scripture, and Art.
Sallie Bachar, RaeAnn Thomas, Tammy Barthels and Terri Sersch will be our spiritual companions for the weekend. All of these spiritual companions were trained and received their letter of completion from the Spiritual Direction Preparation (three year) Program at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in LaCrosse WI.
When you register you will be asked your first and second preference for a spiritual companion or if you would rather leave it up to the Spirit.
Check-In begins at 2:00pm on Friday. Meetings with spiritual companions will begin at 3:30. Center orientation is at 5:45 and supper at 6:00. The retreat concludes after the noon meal on Sunday.
The investment for the weekend retreat is $400 which includes three sessions with a spiritual companion, lodging in a regular room and six meals.
To register, call 715-443-2236, email info@sarcenter.com, or click here.
We are here when YOU are ready!