Welcome Seekers

Welcome Seekers

Folks are often surprised when we tell them that not only are non-Catholics are welcome here, but they come here and are a fair share of our guests. Mostly, they seem to believe that our Catholic roots somehow preclude us from welcoming other Christians, or...
A Marian Model

A Marian Model

I recently have been providing support for a dear friend recovering from several health challenges. It has been an education about the pluses and minuses of our health care system as well as witnessing the strength and fragility of the human spirit. It has also been a...
Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls

It’s that time of year again! Time for us to deck the halls for Christmas. Wednesday was the appointed day, and after the weekly team meeting that morning the staff dug into both the boxes of decorations and the tasks ahead of them. Tracy had brought boxes of table...
The Light of the World

The Light of the World

The mornings are colder now, and dark. Bare trees stand out against a graded sky. Leaves have nearly gone from the trees and pile in heaps on the grass. They crackle in the breeze as many wind chimes. In my early morning walk, I am greeted by the new sunrise coming...
With(out?) Gratitude

With(out?) Gratitude

As I read last week’s reflection, I found myself wondering what the world would be like without gratitude. The question sidled quietly through the back door of my brain and inserted itself between several unrelated thoughts, no doubt hoping that it could settle in for...

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