BE Light!

You are the world’s light—a city on a hill that cannot be hidden,glowing in the night for all to see.Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all.Let your good […]

You are the world’s light—
a city on a hill that cannot be hidden,
glowing in the night for all to see.
Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all.
Let your good deeds glow for all to see
so that they may praise and know God.

Matthew 5:14;16

This is the season of light! The days grow shorter, and darkness deepens in this part of the world. In a couple of days, we will experience the shortest day of the year. Christmas arrives during these darkest days, but lights abound all around us. Homes, yards, and businesses all shine with sparkling colorful lights, and light-filled parades in our towns delight us. But is there another kind of light that shines, and which embraces and overcomes darkness?

Last week I encountered a short video by Brian McLaren, Dean of Faculty at the Center of Action and Contemplation, which was established by Fr. Richard Rohr many years ago. Brian’s talk was entitled, “Being Salt and Light.” (The video link is at the bottom of this reflection.) I found his reflections to be very meaningful and helpful in these dark times.

Sometimes I find it very hard to see much light in the darkness of the world or myself, especially this past year. It seems every day there is more hate, violence, and division in our country and in the world; more, killing, lies, discrimination, and greed. All of this coming day-after-day exhausts me! Besides that, I struggle with darkness almost every year from the end of October until early January as the daylight shortens, and sunlight becomes scarcer. My responsibilities for the Holiday seasons escalate and feel exhausting and overbearing. I wonder sometimes, “Where is the light? Where is my light?” It can become very hard for me to see light in myself, let alone the country/world. I know light is always present in every moment, but I just don’t take time to recognize it or to be it.

Brian offers from the Gospel of Matthew Jesus’ teaching on salt and light. He says, “Let’s not just survive difficult times! Let your light shine before others! Be the presence in this world that radiates and flavors the world with a divine presence, a warm and healing presence to a world that is dealing with so much. A contemplative way of seeing the world leads to an active way of being in the world as a warm and loving presence, radiant with the light of love, and truth, justice, and compassion.”

So, let’s each one of us commit to finding moments each day for stillness and solitude. We can stop for even a few moments throughout the day and make space for another voice to be heard, a voice that helps us resist a culture of noise and constant stimulation. Gaze at yourself in the mirror, with no negative self-talk, and see your own light shine forth. Smile at yourself! Stop for a few moments, take several breaths, then look around you. Take notice of that which is light, beauty, and love in your home, workplace, and environment. Express gratitude for all of it!

Jesus said “You are the light! YOU are the LIGHT!” BE Light!

May you and your loved ones have a beautiful Christmas season filled with light, joy, and love! May the Peace of Christ be with you and all beings everywhere!

– Rita Simon

Click here for the link to Brian McLaren’s video on “Being Salt and Light”.

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