Reflections & House Chronicles

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House Chronicles

Choosing Thanks

In the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we share this prayer written by Diane Butler Bass. She has granted blanket permission to reuse it with the only restriction that she be credited as its author. We hope that it blesses you and all those you gather with for the holiday. Deo...

Volunteer Week 2024

Our annual gathering of volunteers kicked off last Thursday. Actually, this year we had some pre-kickoff help from the NCIS crew. Neighborhood Catholics in Service, a group of 22 middle-school aged youth and their 10 adult and high school-aged chaperons, came last Tuesday. NCIS has been coming to...

Earth Day

Earth Day, which takes place annually on April 22, has a dual purpose. The first is to educate and bring awareness to everyone about the damage humans are causing to our common home. The second is to promote action to, at a minimum, decrease the ongoing damage, and hopefully also do something to...

It’s Nice to Be Appreciated

Last week, the Board of Directors invited all of the team members - staff and residents - to an appreciation lunch. It was their way of tangibly expressing their gratitude for the efforts the team makes week in and week out to keep St. Anthony’s going.  The team was not allowed to do anything -...

A Most Generous Gift

St. Anthony's is humbly honored to announce that we have been selected as one of the beneficiaries of the Thomas and Marilyn Kraemer Trust. Tom and Marilyn were long-time area residents, owning and operating several funeral homes in Marathon County, including one here in Marathon. Their gift will...

Brother, It’s Cold Outside

Those words have certainly crossed our minds this week, and they might have echoed through the halls of St. Anthony’s seventy years ago, based on these two Chronicle entries from mid-January 1954: Cold Weather The 12th of January was the first day this winter that the reading on the thermometer...

Mission: Impossible

Those two words might describe how it feels to be our Center Director. Yet, like every episode of the TV show, Jackie Kellner somehow manages to get the mission accomplished. Although unlike the TV show, it rarely happens in under an hour. In fact, it often takes much more than her 40 hour work...

Holy Encounters

During Advent and the Christmas season, we hear many Scripture stories about holy encounters. We hear of an angel’s visit to Mary, Mary’s visit with Elizabeth, the shepherds and the wise men visiting the infant, the Holy Family meeting Simeon and Anna in the temple, and finally an angel’s visit to...

Christmas Break

‘Twas the week of Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. . . . Well, to be honest, there weren’t any two-legged creatures around the house for a couple of days to confirm that no four-legged creatures, or winged creatures for that matter, were stirring....

Awe and Wonder

Each year when we deck our halls for Christmas, we set up many, many nativity scenes. One goes under the tree, many more go on the window ledges in the front hall, others are scattered throughout the building, and of course this one goes outside. We have so many that some years, we don’t even get...



If you are a fan of WPR (Music), you know about the daily (M-F) “quiz question” of the noon program. Midway through the program a question is asked and listeners try to answer correctly. A winner is chosen from all the correct answers and is awarded a prize. The categories for the question are...

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1...

The Less Traveled Road

Have you ever wondered how you arrived at where you are in your life? How significant people have become significant to you? Why do you work where you work or do what you do for a living? How things that you value came to be so important to you?  What has led you on the journey of your life? A...

Beauty in the Dark

Have you noticed the days getting lighter? The sun rises a little earlier and sets a little later and we love it! It’s a visual reminder that spring is coming and with it, more light!  How often do we get excited about having more darkness? I think darkness gets a bad rap. We have been told and...

How Important is Scripture in Your Life?

With the many ways that we can follow the news, we come to realize that discerning what is true and what is not becomes a daunting challenge. We live in times when truth is often fleeting. We need some way to ground ourselves, so that we can discern what the truth is in our political life as well...


“Namaste - the divinity and light within merecognizes and honors the divinity and light within you.” “I see you.” “Politically correct” has been a phrase that has come into increased usage since the 1990’s to mean “disapproving of or avoiding language or behavior that any particular group of...

Contagious Kindness

It was almost a decade ago that I attended a Town Hall meeting in Wausau to participate in a conversation about the suicide and mental health issues among our young people. One of the panelists at the meeting, in response to various questions about what “we” can do, repeated these words several...

Beginning Again

Some years ago, in his book, The Joy of Being Human, Eugene Kennedy suggested that January was a strange time for beginning a new year, or beginning anything, especially in northern climates. We are surrounded by ice and snow. The weather is cold. Dusk still comes rather early. Things seem rather...

Welcome to 2025

In just a few days it will be a new year, a time when many of us decide on a new path for ourselves going forward. We look at what our lives have been this past year and what we desire to add or subtract from our lives during this new year. May I suggest a joint effort this year to move...

BE Light!

You are the world’s light—a city on a hill that cannot be hidden,glowing in the night for all to see.Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all.Let your good deeds glow for all to seeso that they may praise and know God.Matthew 5:14;16 This is the season of light! The days grow shorter, and...

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We are here when YOU are ready!