Welcome to 2025

In just a few days it will be a new year, a time when many of us decide on a new path for ourselves going forward. We look at what […]

In just a few days it will be a new year, a time when many of us decide on a new path for ourselves going forward. We look at what our lives have been this past year and what we desire to add or subtract from our lives during this new year. May I suggest a joint effort this year to move collectively in a different direction from last? 

For myself, I must admit that I am very tired of hearing so frequently that this past year was one of the most divided ever. Maybe together we can work to make 2025 a year of growing in unity? (Perhaps this is a pipe dream, but we won’t know unless we try.) 

If you gather with family during the new year, talk with the ones you try to avoid or disagree with. You don’t have to agree, but you can listen respectfully to them. Greet those you encounter at work, church, and in your neighborhood, especially those who hold opposite views than yours or differ from you in others ways (economically, racially, politically, or worship differently). In other words, in the new year, aim to treat everyone you consider OTHER with the dignity they deserve as a person loved by God.  

These are some simple suggestions to begin to build bridges of unity in our divided nation, neighborhood, or family. And when in doubt, just listen. Division leads to separation. Is it any wonder we feel so alone? 

Just because Christmas this year has passed doesn’t mean we need to stop singing, praying, and practicing “Peace on Earth, Good Will to ALL. 


– Terri Sersch

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