Angel, Second Class

Angel, Second Class

Some people get clear callings. Some of us seem to spend our lives waiting for one. My life followed the latter category. But the calling I was looking for was about my plans, not God’s. It took a long time until I began to listen.  God’s blessing took the form of an...
Wondering and Pondering

Wondering and Pondering

Trinity — Mystery — that seemingly unexplainable happening in life and beyond.   I have childhood memories of my parents, parish priests, and summer classes with the School Sisters of Notre Dame trying to help me understand what/who God was all about....
The “Right” (Left?) Perspective

The “Right” (Left?) Perspective

My aunt bought me a set of left-handed pencils for Christmas. I’ve always appreciated her thoughtfulness in buying products designed specifically for lefties. This time, my gratitude was coupled with amusement at the thought of a pencil being “left-handed.” I mean,...


For some strange reason, I’ve been thinking about drawers. I think it is safe to say that every household has a drawer(s) into which they shove things that probably have no more rhyme or reason of being together than convenience – i.e., we say to ourselves, “Well, I...
Sacred Awe

Sacred Awe

Have you ever been blessed with sacred awe? This is my term for something that you were not expecting to experience or you did not plan to see. But it happened and you thank God because you feel so blessed to have experienced this moment. I recently had a sacred awe....

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