Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

As I get older, I notice I have more and more mixed feelings about more and more things. There is less certainty about the meaning, or description of many things: Church, eternal life, the nature of the Trinity, being a citizen of the United States, my role as a...
Prayer of Release

Prayer of Release

Recently a friend sent me a prayer composed by Sr. Mary Ann Barrett, OP, a Grand Rapids Dominican. It is a prayer that she received from her friend and that she was sharing with me. A gift it has truly proven to be which I would like to share with you. You can read...
Jesus: Human Like Us??

Jesus: Human Like Us??

I clearly remember, many years ago, first seeing this image of Jesus on the cover of a Liguorian magazine. I was so taken by that image that I saved it for a long time, but somewhere along the line, it was lost! (Recently searching for this image online, I finally...
Who Are Your SHE-roes?

Who Are Your SHE-roes?

Happy Women’s History Month! Throughout the world, March is designated as a time of recognition and celebration that honors women who have made this world a better place. Some we know by name. Some are unnamed. Perhaps this month would also be a good time to pause and...


Ahhh, stories. I do not know anyone who doesn’t love a good story. Growing up listening to my parents and aunts and uncles tell family stories was such a joy! As my sister and I grew older we came to expect that many of these stories would be told and retold at...

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