
The beginning of the year is a time when I try to clear the top of my desk of all the “stuff” that mysteriously has accumulated over the preceding months. […]

              The beginning of the year is a time when I try to clear the top of my desk of all the “stuff” that mysteriously has accumulated over the preceding months. The good news is that I will have a nice clean space to work on, but the problem that occurs is I start reading what has piled up – everything from paper clippings to articles to notes for future reflections – and as a result the piles don’t seem to disappear. So that the whole effort doesn’t go by without some reward, permit me to share some of the pearls of wisdom I found.

              -They tried to bury us! They didn’t know we were seeds! (Mexican proverb)

              -In essential matters, unity! In doubtful matters, liberty! In all things, charity! (St. Pope John XXIII)

              -Some people thought that what’s made out of nothing, returns to nothing. It cannot last eternally. But because God created us in the image and likeness of God, we have the seed of eternity planted in us.

              -See how they love one another, not how they shove one another.

              -The spiritual life is always incomplete. That does not mean our spiritual life is deficient or a failure or imperfect. Rather it is an indication that there is an abundance yet to be experienced; that there is the promise of more to come; that we have a hopeful attitude to the future.

              -Because of God’s gracious and unconditional love for us, we live in a multiple-choice world.

              -Time is the currency of spirituality.

              I think that is enough for now. I’ll just return to my desk top cleaning and see what else I can find.

              -Fr. Dennis Lynch

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