Turn Things Around

We have been sharing our House Chronicle with you for more than five years now, since August of 2018. With only a few exceptions, we have shared one every week, […]

We have been sharing our House Chronicle with you for more than five years now, since August of 2018. With only a few exceptions, we have shared one every week, and that’s a lot of stories: stories of joy and sadness, stories that range from silly to serious, stories about saints and about all of us not-yet-saints, and stories of the ordinary and extraordinary events of our life here at St. Anthony’s.

We hope our readers are enjoying the stories. From the comments we receive, that seems to be the case. But the hard truth is, we are running out of ideas for all those weeks when nothing exciting or unusual happens here. After all, how many weather reports can a person take?

So we thought maybe we would turn things around and give you the opportunity to suggest a topic for an upcoming Chronicle. Here’s your chance to ask that question that has always left you pondering, to tell us who or what you’d like to know more about.

Please let us know what stories you’d like to hear. You can e-mail your suggestions to Sister Chronicler or you can post your suggestions in the comment section. We can’t promise we will cover everything you suggest; some things will always be a mystery like those tiny little doors in the ceiling of the cloister hall. We promise we’ll try not to make too much stuff up in the process, and we will do our best to keep you informed and interested in this old house and all the goings on here.

In the spirit of Blessed Solanus Casey, for all the questions you have, all the suggestions you will share and all the stories you will tell us you’d like to hear more about, we say Deo Gratias!

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